Harvest Mania To Go is a fun puzzle game that challenges you to harvest as many veggies as you can in all of the four seasons, of which winter is a bonus game. When I launched the game, which was easy to install, it changed my screen resolution automatically for the best viewing and presented me with a bright, easy to navigate, interface with cheerful music playing. From the option menu I could choose the settings I wanted, and the game has two modes to choose from, Classic and Action, with a mini virtual farm that you can build up if you play the puzzle games well.
The object of the Classic game is to move vegetables that are growing in a field into groups of 4 in a 2 x 2 square. Adjacent vegetables of the same kind are also removed. The more vegetables you chain together, the more points you score, and if you score well you can also earn tokens that you can use online. Only fully mature veggies can be harvested and when the field, or garden, is filled, the game is over. If you play well and harvest all the veggies in a round, flowers will appear that triple the points. The game features Crystals that match any adjacent veggies, Rocks you remove in the round, Power Up Crates that fall into your garden and a Catalog from which you can purchase items for your farm if you earn enough points in your puzzle game. In Action mode, reaching each day's goal takes you to the next and Power Ups like Frost, Scientist and the Harvest Spirit can bring you bonuses.